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Cheating Signs, How To Know When They Are Cheating?

By Sabrina Summerfield

When you see cheating signs you should begin to question what your spouse is possibly doing. Unless you don't really care about that. But in most cases most spouses will agree that cheating in a relationship is not conducive to a long lasting marriage. These signs can also be noticed from boyfriends or girlfriends.

Some cheating signs are obvious and may seem like a stupid comment during this article. But at times the simplest things can be overlooked by a spouse. So get ready and read on, hopefully you don't notice too many.

One of the more obvious mistakes that a cheating spouse may make is that of using the wrong soap. You know you have Irish Spring at home, and when the spouse takes a shower in the morning they will smell like that. But if they smell all fresh and clean when they come home, but have Dove or some other soap smell on them, it might be a cheating sign. Noticing discrepancies in your bank account is another way you may find out that your spouse may be cheating. Sudden drops in the amounts that are deposited even though the checks are the same.

Fighting in your relationship seems to have increased, and the little things that use to not bother your spouse will set them off. At times these arguments will even lead to the spouse leaving the house for hours. Opens up an email account separately that you have no clue about, or even spends a lot more time on the computer than normal. Using the time spent on the computer will be when you're in bed or away from the house. Cheating signs can easily be hidden on the computer, emails that are sent to an account you don't know about are very hard to find.

A wedding ring is a sacred symbol, but if your spouse has stopped wearing theirs, well they may be cheating. Cheating signs that may not be the same for all couples are changes in communication and sex. If you have never had much communication in your marriage it's hard to notice a change. The same can be said about sex.

If both communication and sex has always been great though, and all of the sudden it stops or gets a lot less attention. This can be an obvious cheating sign. A spouse who is cheating may feel they can not touch you as much. It can be from lack of interest or guilt.

Some spouses may actually go the opposite way and want to have sex more often though. An odd occurrence, but perhaps they feel you can be fooled into thinking the relationship is fine.

Cheating signs are many, but in most cases a spouse will eventually mess up. Be it by getting caught or the guilt being too much for them to handle.

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