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Dating Older Guys Suggests a More Mature Relationship

By Alan Bentley

A lot of women ask themselves whether it is okay to be dating older guys as they think that society believes it is not. They worry whether their friends will accept this or whether acquaintances will have things to say in private. However, many single women are on the lookout for stability and they will often find it with an older gentleman.

If we analyze history, we can see that it is quite usual for a more mature man to be accompanied by someone less independent and younger. The concept of dating older guys is firmly established, especially as it seems that the man is always better known as the leader of the household and the breadwinner.

To many women dating older guys makes so much more sense as compared to someone of their own age. After all, it is likely that a more mature man is also mature financially and emotionally. His career would be established and he will have been through all of those uncertainties that exist between college and midlife.

It is true that older men generally give women more respect, attention and make them feel that bit more special. Women who have experienced dating older guys say that they have more skills within society. For example, when you go to a dinner party or social occasion he will open the door for you and will be inclined to pull the chair out at a restaurant.

While a lot of women do not want to appear as if they are kept, and have career aspirations of their own, they may also want to consider dating older guys as they may not be happy with the lack of drive amongst men of their own generation. Their more mature consort will have worked just as hard as they have and will be just as serious about the career. This will in itself establish a good foundation for a good relationship.

Do not expect a successful relationship to develop if the man who you are with is viewing you as some kind of a "trophy" wife. Be sure before you begin dating older guys that you do not come up against someone who looks at his date as a symbol of his success in some way.

The need to raise children is a powerful driving force when women are looking for a mate. If this is the case, they want to make sure that the home environment is stable, especially from a financial standpoint as it is very expensive to raise children nowadays. Those who are looking for the best start for the kids in this way may well consider dating older guys for stability's sake.

Remember that love knows no age barriers so don't feel criticized in any way if you are dating older guys. Just make sure that both parties feel the same way and you will have a solid relationship to build on for the future.

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