Relationship Help From

One Secret Key to Improve Your Marriage.

By Lawrence De Tender

Are you trying to get heard? Do you feel ignored? Is your spouse not responding to your communication? Does it seem that everything you say is just falls into the holes and never gets addressed ?

Nowadays communication with the others has never been easier. Technological advancements have given us incredible means to reach others at anytime whether close or far, just press a button and you can reach them. But my guess is that your ability to communicate with your spouse has become increasingly difficult. All the technology certainly does not let us feel our partners pulse or hear their heart, or let us see what they are not saying.

To start with lets put down our phones and pagers and turn off our email and computers for a little while. Now lets go back to the days when everything was face to face. Lets make sure we can see and hear the silence between the sounds and catch each others meaning by hearing the unspoken and seeing our partners facial expression. Lets look into each others heart.

Personal communication has very little to do with the technology but everything to do with getting our thoughts across to each deeply. Its almost like being able to understand each other without words. So forget the act of seeking to contact, or reach other and instead focus on really trying to understand where you partner is coming from considering their logic and deeply held feelings or beliefs,

The question you should be asking is NOT, How do I communicate effectively with my spouse. The question you should be asking is, How do I connect with my spouse again? Once you reconnect, you wont be sitting in silence, and there wont be too much talk either. Talk wont be strained " instead it will be like the old days " long ago when you were both so happy and new to each other.

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