Relationship Help From

Save A Relationship For Your Happiness

By Jeremy Sullivan

In a relationship there is love, honor and respect. So, how to save a relationship? The first step is knowing what is going wrong.

Good communication is essential. If you are unwilling to share your feelings honestly, then you can not expect to make any progress.

All relationships will work only when you work hard, so you must be prepared for it. No gains without pains. If by chance your relationship is in danger and its your fault, apologize immediately. Make mends immediately. On the other hand if it's the other person, forgive and accept their apology. You must avoid revisiting the past.

People too often forget their manners once they are in a relationship. This is a mistake. Being thoughtful and considerate can go a long way in showing true concern for someone else's needs and concerns.

Give your partner time, time to work through issues and deal with the relationship. Do not run away from issues, deal with them if your partner is not doing anything about them.

Talk, but not about problems and past issues. This will make matters worse. Above all do not take your issues to a third person. But you can seek help from counselor and therapist. The game of "he said, she said" has ruined many relationships. Think about it and sorted it out within yourselves in the four walls.

Show each other love, honor and respect, and the mutual feeling. Even traditional marriage vows say the same. It is said in the bible "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is perhaps the most important to remember in saving your relationship. By following even some of these tips, you can save your relationship to a great extent.

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