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Internet Dating Safety - 5 Things To Bring Along On The First Date

By Cathy Svedka

First dates can be really exciting. You get to buy a new outfit and get all dressed up to go out to a new place. You get to make new conversation with a new person for the first time. You get to take a chance at your future, a whole world of possibilities laid out in front of you. But first dates can also be a little scary-- and not just because your date has bad hygiene and a laughs like a hyena.

If you date the wrong person, there is a small chance the date could be dangerous. This is why you should always prepare before you head out.

While there are hundreds of articles on how to have a safe date, there are not a lot recommending what to bring with. This article hopes to take care of that issue for you.

Your phone. Your mobile phone is a necessity because in ANY bad situation, you can always call a friend for help. A phone can make the difference from getting home and not getting home in the worst of situations. Make sure to charge your phone!

A friend who is available that evening. If you have driven your car to a date that went bad and you are afraid your date might follow you, having that somebody you can talk to and meet you when you arrive is a great way to stay safe. Better to be safe than sorry.

Breath mints or gum. When dates are getting nervous, it is a common problem to continue drinking too much to take your mind off things. Having mints or chewing a piece of gum can quench that thirst.

A map. Especially if you use public transport or go on foot, nothing is more dangerous than wandering around a city at night by yourself --or with somebody you can't trust-- with no knowledge of where you are. Be sure you have a map with you so you know were you are. And exactly how to get home.

A vehicle. The last thing you want to do when meeting someone for a date is to take public transportation or get a ride with a stranger. You are much safer in your own vehicle and can quickly get out of bad situations if the need arises.

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